Make Waves Advertising & Marketing Limited

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Words. We're bombarded with thousands every day. That's why, at Make Waves, we choose your words very carefully. PR and Copywriting are powerful marketing tools.

Good PR can help you shape public opinion, get closer to potential customers, promote successful case studies and repair or limit any negative publicity.

Good copywriting on the other hand sets the tone for your company. It's your voice, the way you present yourself and communicate your products and services.

That's why, every word has to count. And why we use only the best copywriters and PR specialists to craft your message.
Over 50 years combined advertising and marketing experience working with household names like : ABB, Bannatynes Health Clubs, British Gas, BT, Crown Decorating Centres, Fastway Couriers, GHD, Gilders Motor Group, Harper Collins Books, HBG Construction, Homebase, Ilkeston Co-Op Travel, Metropolitan Police, Nectar, Oxfam, Pet Plan Insurance, Porsche, Portakabin, Silent Night, Storage King... and many more.